>> ガイドの仕方 > How to Secure Your Bitcoin Wallet: Security Essentials

ビットコインウォレットを保護する方法: Security Essentials

ビットコインのデジタル通貨をウォレットファイルまたは専用のオンラインサービスに保持することにはリスクがあります. 新しいシステムが顧客と企業の両方に受け入れられているため, その人気と受容は指数関数的に成長し続けています. 私たちの記事は、ビットコインウォレットのセキュリティに関連するベストプラクティスに関する情報を提供します.


The ビットコイン デジタル暗号通貨は、過去数年間で最も多作なトレンドの1つに急速になりつつあります. それが普及して以来、他のさまざまな選択肢が世間の注目を集めてきました, ただし、現時点では、ビットコインは、世界中のユーザーと企業の両方による受け入れと認識の点で、引き続きマーケットリーダーです。.

ユーザーのお金はウォレットファイルに保存されています. これにアクセスすることで、オペレーターは通常の財務手続き(支払い情報と資金移動)を実行できます。. これが、ビットコイン保有者が悪意のあるアクセスから保護するための最良のセキュリティ慣行に従う必要がある理由です.

現在、獲得したビットコインのインターネットストレージを提供するさまざまなオンラインサービスと通貨交換があります. それらのいくつかは十分に保護されておらず、ハッカーの侵入は重大な経済的虐待につながる可能性があります. これが、ビットコインのお金をそれぞれのユーザーのローカルコンピューターに保存することが推奨される理由です. オンラインサービスのユーザーは、お金でエンティティを信頼していることを確認する必要があります, アイデンティティとその暗号通貨が可能な限り最善の方法で保護されていること. 常に2要素認証を使用することをお勧めします.

関連記事: ビットコイン, イーサリアムエクスチェンジビッサムハッキング, 何百万もの盗難


ウォレットによっては、ユーザーが独自のウォレットを記録できる場合があります ニーモニックシード. これはウォレットを識別する一連の単語であり、ウォレットを回復するために使用できます. デスクトップとモバイルの両方で機能するクロスプラットフォームウォレットの一部は、これを使用して “書き出す” インスタンス間のインポートを容易にするため.


  • キーロガー ‒これらはほとんどのトロイの木馬の一部であり、被害者のキーストロークを記録するために使用されます.
  • Screen Capture Viruses ‒ They record the interactions of the users as displayed on their monitors in real-time. This is more advanced form of the prior technique as it allows the criminals to capture mouse clicks and on-screen keyboards that are frequently used by online banking services.

The cryptocurrency includes another feature that is found useful is the ability to carry out a multi-signature of the proposed financial transaction. This effectively requires multiple independent approvals of the process before it can be carried out. Companies and organizations can use it to give its clients or employees access to funds in a secure way as the transactions need to be approved by several individuals. Some of the web wallet services provide such options, allowing the users to control their finances and prevent financial abuse.

Security Precautions to Take With Bitcoin Transactions

Security experts state that the best possible practices are very similar to the ones used with traditional currency. One of the recommended strategies is to divide the amounts in several wallets which can be secured separately. The backup wallets can protect the holders against possible hard disk failures or computer failures. Helpful tips include the following:

  • Backup Planning ‒ Backups of the private keys can be stored on external hard disks or flash drives which can be kept in safe boxes or secure locations.
  • 暗号化 ‒ Encrypted copies of the wallet files protect against theft as the criminals cannot access them without the user-set passwords.
  • 定期的なバックアップ ‒ When making backup copies the Bitcoin owners should make sure that any changes are committed to the copies as well.
  • Several Secure Locations ‒ It is recommended that wallet files are stored in multiple locations.

Other options to consider include the use of offline transaction signing, a technique which involves the use of two computers that share some parts of the same wallet. The procedure uses one of the computers as disconnected from the Internet, it also holds the entire wallet and is used to sign the transactions. The other machine is connected to the global network and is employed as awatching walletwhich creates the unsigned transactions. To carry out the transactions the following sequence is employed:

  1. The transaction is created on the online machine and saved on a USB flash drive.
  2. The transaction is signed using the disconnected computer via the USB drive.
  3. The signed transaction is sent using the online computer.

All wallets should be protected following the usual password security guidelines. Common words and phrases should be avoided. A complex password should consist of a long sequence of letters, numerals and special characters. Bear in mind that the password (or string) used for the Bitcoin wallet, or another crypto currency wallet, should never be shared with other services.

A good advice to follow on Bitcoin wallet security is to use a special site that issues truly random sites using embedded scripts. When it is loaded the Internet connection should be disconnected to prevent any traffic sniffing. Once the string has been randomized multiple times, a part of it can be written down on a piece of paper. After a computer restart and the the procedure has been repeated for the second part it can be combined into a single password.

関連記事: BitCoin Miner Virus – How to Detect and Remove It (8月 2017)

The Bitcoin Cold Storage Option

Users of the Bitcoin digital currency will find that it is possible to store the bitcoins in a safe location by using paper wallets. They are generated online using smart algorithms that use random data and can be printed on paper using papers or written on a piece of paper. Another option is to save the file and place it in a removable flash drive that is stored in a safe box. The public addresses can be given out to potential partners, income sources or customers, while the private key is kept in a secure location.

Some of the disadvantages related to such storage options include the fact that the mnemonic seed or address can be seen and stolen by anyone who has physical access. Depending on the wallet holder their handwriting may be partially illegible which can present issues when attempting to reproduce the sequence. A human error during the initial transcription can make it impossible to discover the end result. Also when the carrier is paper, it can easily be torn, burnt, smoked, stolen or otherwise damaged.

Advanced Bitcoin Wallet Security Options

Bitcoin holders can also use advanced options to ensure that additional protection steps have been taken. 例は SMS notifications feature used when working with online wallets. This gives the users almost instant information about transactions that involve their funds.

Heightened online security can be achieved by using a secondary password that is distinctive from the usual two-factor authentication. In practice this second string can sometimes be required only when funds are being transferred or withdrawn.

There is controversy surrounding the password hint feature which can sometimes be abused by the hackers to guess the passwords. Some security researchers discourage its use. According to them if the feature is obligatory during user registration an empty or counterfeit response should be provided.

Some of the wallets allow the adjustment of an option called the PBKDF2 Iterations that can be fine-tuned for improved security. When it is set to 5000 or higher setting it stretches the password hash so that it is harder to brute force by criminals.

If the wallet is located on an online web service client or server access to it can be limited by using IP blocks. When such measures are enabled the wallets can be interacted with it only when the client computer is from a trusted range of predefined addresses. One of the widely used scenarios is the external block. Wallets can be accessed only by computers from the internal network.

関連記事: エニグマ暗号通貨市場は敗北 $500,000 ハッカーズレイドで

Password Managers Useful In Many Occasions

Password managers are software tools that are actively used by security departents of major companies and organizations. They are available in both free and paid versions by vendors and attempt to solve an important security issue that all computer users encounter ‒ how to safely store the passwords for different products and services in one location.

The way these programs work is that they allow the users to input the credentials into them, the data sets are encrypted and stored in a way that provides strict access controls. The majority of the applications require a password, two-factor authentication with another security measure to access the list of stored passwords.

いわゆる “master passwordis used only with the software which prevents it from being transmitted to web sites, other applications or other locations. Some of the measures that are taken to ensure that it is well-protected include both strong encryption ciphers, but also other methods. An example is the use of resource-intensive password stretching algorithms which prevent complex brute force attempts from breaking the password without using powerful computers and a carefully devised attack. Theoretically the passwords can only be broken after a very long period of computations has elapsed to find the mathematical collision that reveals the encoded string.

Adequate Bitcoin Wallet Security Relies on the Device’s Protection

Probably the most important factor to consider is the device’s general security status. The Bitcoin wallet security can only be efficient if the machine is free from viruses and can protect itself from ongoing hacker intrusion attempts. Every day new malware are being issued that attempt to gain access to whole networks and individual computers. To protect against attacks we recommend that all Bitcoin users employ several components: an anti-virus application, a specialist anti-malware solution and a firewall.



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