>> サイバーニュース > macOS Bug Exposes Passwords in Plain Text by Using a Terminal Command


Another vulnerability in macOS has been unearthed exposing passwords used for encrypted APFS external drives in plain text. The bug is present in macOS 10.13.1, and according to mac4n6, the researcher who found it, it’s still there in macOS 10.13.3. The bug is also quite trivial to exploitsimply by using a Terminal command. でも, in the latter case the flaw can be noticed when encrypting an existing unencrypted APFS drive, 研究者は説明した.

関連記事: 15-IOHIDFamilyの1年前のmacOSバグは、完全なシステム侵害につながります

macOS Bug Exposes in Plain Text Passwords for Encrypted APFS External Drives

What is Apple doing to address this issue? There isn’t any information on how Apple is treating this bug. This leaves us in the dark not knowing whether it was fixed in the newest versions of macOS. でも, the bug is most likely not triggered the same way as it was in the older build of the operating system.

によると mac4n6:

The newfs_apfs command can take a passphrase as a parameter using the mostly undocumented “-S” flag. It is not documented in the man page. However when run without parameters, it will show it.

I tried to recreate this scenario on my current system running 10.13.3 but was unable to do so therefore I believe this bug has been addressed. I was however able to recreate it on a 10.13 システム (the image screenshot above is from a 10.13.1 system.) I have not tried it on a 10.13.2 system as I do not have one easily available.

どうやら, after some more testing was done by two other researchers, it appears that the bug has also been fixed in 10.13.2.

関連記事: Appleパッチは重大な高いシエラの脆弱性を改善します (CVE-2017-7149)

CVE-2017-7149 Bug Shared Similar APFS Scenario

Just in October last year, researcher Matheus Mariano came across a critical bug that was affecting the High Sierra operating system, 特にAPFSボリューム管理システムで. The researcher came across the bug while he was interacting with a new encrypted volume in a APFS container.

彼はヒントと一緒にパスワードを作成することを選びました. 新しいコンテナがマウントされ、パスワードプロンプトがアクティブ化されたとき, パスワードはヒントフィールドに表示されました. 調査中に、この問題はSSDドライブを搭載したMacコンピューターとラップトップにのみ影響することが明らかになりました.


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