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Ventsislav is a cybersecurity expert at SensorsTechForum since 2015. He has been researching, covering, helping victims with the latest malware infections plus testing and reviewing software and the newest tech developments. Having graduated Marketing as well, Ventsislav also has passion for learning new shifts and innovations in cybersecurity that become game changers. After studying Value Chain Management, Network Administration and Computer Administration of System Applications, he found his true calling within the cybersecrurity industry and is a strong believer in the education of every user towards online safety and security.


+1-877-842-2107 Comcast Call – Is It a Scam?

This information page has been created to explain whether or not you should trust calls coming from +1-877-842-2107 or if it is a scam number or no. People have summed up online complaints about calls coming from +1-877-842-2107, claiming to…


+1-800-681-9005 Penfed Call – Is It a Scam

This post has been created to explain if the number +1-800-681-9005 belongs to a scam or if it is legitimate. More and more reports have arisen in connection with the number +1-800-681-9005 calling users on their home phones and mobile…


.puma Files Virus – How to Remove It (+ Decrypt Files)

This blog post has been made with the main idea to help explain what is the .puma files ransomware virus and how you can remove this variant of STOP ransomware and try to recover your encrypted files. A new virus…


FastCash Trojan – How to Remove It

This article aims to explain what is the FastCash Trojan and how to remove it from your PC plus how you can protect your machine against future infections by FastCash. The [wplinkpreview url=”https://sensorstechforum.com/lazarus-hackers-abuses-fastcash-scheme-banks-worldwide/”]Trojan.FastCash infection is the type of malware that…


Apushnotification.com Redirect Virus – How to Remove It

This article has been created with the main idea to help explain what is the Apushnotification.com and how you can remove such pop-ups from your machine. A new form of adware, sending push notifications and causing browser redirects has appeared,…


“Your Mac is Heavily Damaged” Scam Page – Remove It

This article has been created with the main goal to explain what is the “Your Mac is Heavily Damaged” (Download Required) scam page, advertising Advanced Mac Cleaner and how you can remove this unwanted program from your Mac. A scam…


Basesystem.dmg Virus File – How to Delete It (Mac)

This article has been created to help explain what is the basesystem.dmg file and how you can remove it from your Mac permanently. Basesystem.dmg “Virus” File A file, called Basesystem.dmg has been reported by users on Apple Community forums to…


Black Friday 2018 – Scams You Should Expect

With the upcoming black Friday on the 23rd of November, we have decided to turn a little attention on the type of scams which you should expect to arrive at your doorstep. The 21st century is a good place in…


.INFOWAIT Files Virus – How to Remove It and Restore Files

This article has been created to help explain what is the .INFOWAIT files virus and how you can remove it from your PC plus how you can restore files, encrypted by this virus. A new variant of [wplinkpreview url=”https://sensorstechforum.com/remove-stop-virus-restore-stop-files/”]STOP ransomware…


WebCobra Miner Virus – How to Remove It

This blog post has been created to help explain what is the WebCobra miner app and how you can try and remove it and prevent it from mining ZCash or Monero cryptocurrencies on your Mac. A new, very dangerous cryptocurrency…


InstallFlashPlayer.exe Virus – How to Remove It

This article has been created to help explain what is the InstallFlashPlayer.exe and how to remove it from your computer effectively. A new type of Trojan has been detected to be going around infecting computers. The malware is a dropper…


Flvto Downloader Adware – How to Remove It (Mac)

What Is Flvto Downloader? A new adware for Mac devices, called Flvto Downloader has been detected to pose as a YouTube downloader application, but in reality the app comes embedded with adware components that show multiple advertisements. Since those ads…

WaterMiner Monero Miner

Coinhive Miner Malware – How to Remove It (Mac)

This article has been created to explain what is the Coinhive Miner virus and to show how you can remove the Coinhive Miner Trojan from your Mac. A familiar Trojan using one of the most notorious miner pools, called Coinhive…


Trovi “Virus” (com.sysd.launchserviced) – How to Remove from Mac

This article has been created to explain what is the Trovi “virus” and how you can try and remove it from your Mac and hence stop advertisements coming from it. The Trovi Virus is the type of infection, whose primary…


.010001 Files Virus – Remove It and Restore Data

This article has been created with the main idea to help users by showing what is the .010001 files virus and it can be safely removed. A new form of ransomware infection, carrying around the .010001 file extension has been…


Com.apple.fonts Pop-up Virus – How to Remove It from Mac

This article has been created to explain what is the Com.apple.fonts pop-up and how to remove the virus, associated with it from your Mac. A new problem with Mac computers has recently started to gain popularity The problem is a…


Tracker.marism.com Redirect Virus – Remove It from Your Mac

This blog post has been created to explain what are the tracker.marism.com redirects and how to remove them from your Mac plus remove the virus associated with the tracker.marism.com. Tracker.marism.com redirect “virus”is the type of threat it is classified as…


Search.anysearchmanager.com Redirect – Remove It (Mac)

Search.anysearchmanager.com “Virus” A new “virus” has been reported by Mac users to affect numerous Mac devices and set their home page to search.anysearchmanager.com. The program, which has been classified to be of the Browser Hijacker type has been reported to…


DNS66 Android App (Ads-Blocker) – Software Review

This article has been created to explain what is DNS66 and illustrate its capabilities to be able to block advertisements on your Android device. Since ads have started to make money for app developers and publishers for mobile websites alike,…


Mac Ransomware – How to Restore Encrypted Files

This article has been created to explain what are Mac ransomware types of viruses, how to remove them and how you can try and restore files, encrypted by such virus on your Mac. Ransomware infections have been going around for…

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