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Ventsislav is a cybersecurity expert at SensorsTechForum since 2015. He has been researching, covering, helping victims with the latest malware infections plus testing and reviewing software and the newest tech developments. Having graduated Marketing as well, Ventsislav also has passion for learning new shifts and innovations in cybersecurity that become game changers. After studying Value Chain Management, Network Administration and Computer Administration of System Applications, he found his true calling within the cybersecrurity industry and is a strong believer in the education of every user towards online safety and security.


Remove DNS Blocker Pop-ups Completely

A new ad-supported application called DNS Blocker has been reported to go around and display advertisements on user PCs. The software is reported to also modify the DNS settings of affected computers. Users who have been affected by DNS blocker…


Remove Kovter Ransomware and Restore .Crypted Encrypted Files

Malware carrying the name Kovter with over three years of experience has evolved into ransomware; CheckPoint reports indicated. The malicious executables of this virus encrypt the user data with a strong encryption algorithm but what is more important is that…


Remove RSA4096 Ransomware and Restore .Crypt Encrypted Files

A new ransomware variant has been detected out into the open. It is very cleverly designed because it uses CryptoWall ransomware’s ransom note and it does not use any name to evade identification. Furthermore, the ransomware may use a strong…


Remove 1-888-479-3649 Tech Support Malware and Unlock Your Screen

A new hacking team has been reported to distribute a lock screen type of Trojan which impersonates a fake BSOD alert after which prompts users to call the posted number for assistance. Unlike the conventional fake BSOD tech support scams,…


Remove PayCrypt Ransomware and Restore Id Encrypted Files

A new ransomware from the “@” variants has been spotted and reported out in the wild. It carries the name PayCrypt and locks user files appending a random identification file extension with the paycrypt@aol e-mail address. The encrypted files are…


Remove AutoLocky Ransomware and Decrypt Your .locky Files

A new ransomware which pretends to be one of the “big fish” in this segment of malware has been reported to infect users. The ransomware imitates Locky ransomware and is named AutoLocky by malware researchers. Not only this, but it…


Cerber Ransomware and How to Protect Yourself from Crypto-Malware

After the first variant of Cerber ransomware struck, it became clear that this is an extremely effective money making malware on the unsuspecting user’s expense. Unfortunately at this stage there is no relevant decryption method besides the Cerber file decryptor…


Stop 1-855-213-4353 Tech Support Scam Pop-Ups on Your Browser

A new scam has been reported to be associated with a fake black screen website that is reported to deceive users that their system has crashed. Instead, the scam is nothing more than a web-page with a pop-up that cannot…

commonly used file names and folders

Remove Viceice(.)com Browser Hijacker Completely

A new browser hijacker associated with the webpage Viceice(.)com has been reported to affect users on a massive scale. The hijacker is spread primarily in Nigeria, Taiwan, Mexico, India and Spain. But the software is also reported to spread on…


Remove Locky Ransomware 2.0 and Restore Encrypted Files

A new variant of an already devastating ransomware, Locky is back with different tactics of infection and advanced features. The ransomware is reported to affect users on a massive scale. The newer variant of the ransomware attacks users on a…


Remove Vnlgp Miner from Your Computer

A new potentially unwanted software has been reported to affect users on a massive scale. The software is known as Vnlgp Miner, and it aims at your Computer’s resources. The program is usually not detected by conventional antivirus software because…


Remove Xorist Ransomware Variants and Restore Your Encrypted Files

The malware family that produces custom made ransomware, known as Xorist has been around for quite some time now. It is being sold as a custom program that is available on the black market, and anyone who knows how to…


Remove Malware from Your Router Effectively

Cyber-criminals have always been evolving when it comes to attacking computer systems. And what is worse is that your home router may also be a victim of such malware. In this instructive article, we are going to explain to you…


Remove Jiton JavaScript Malware from Your Router

Researchers at TrendMicro have managed to discover and research a JavaScript-based malware which has an unusual approach when it comes to infection. The malware is reported to come obfuscated and attack the DNS (Domain Name System) of the router. Not…


Remove Vipasana and Restore the Encrypted Files

Vipasana ransomware has been reported to encrypt mainline servers as well as PCs on a global scale. The name of the crypto-malware has nothing to do with the actual “Vipassana” which translates to a type of meditation. The ransom message…


Stellar Windows Password Recovery Software Review

Stellar has released yet another software, this time, oriented towards users who do not have access to certain accounts on their computers. What the software does is it looks for passwords in different software installed on your OS plus it…


Remove Topsearchlinks(.)net Browser Hijacker from Your PC

A new browser hijacking software has been reported to be setting the search engine topsearchlinks(.)net as a home page or a new tab page of user PCs. The suspicious software has a specific character of modifying the web browser of…


Get Rid of Share-button(.)xyz Referral Spam from Google Analytics

A familiar referral spam has released a new URL, named Share-button(.)xyz. Besides this URL, there are also other ones such as Get-Your-Social-Buttons(.)Info and Sharebutton(.)to which display relatively the same page and are all linked together. When visited, the site directly…


TreasureHunt PoS Malware Description and Removal

A new malicious virus has been detected and reported to attack PoS systems of primarily small businesses. The malware enters the user PC via spam mails, and it carefully selects what kind of information to collect from infected users. The…


Ubuntu Touch OS – Is it Secure Enough and Should You Use It

Ah if it isn’t the IT geek’s favorite OS – Linux. A company, named Canonical has decided to develop a mobile version of Linux’s most widely used distribution – Ubuntu. But is it safe? This question is a coin with…

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