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If you believe your system has been infected by a ransomware, this category can help you learn more about your infection. The category contains daily updated, illustrated removal guides about the latest strains of crypto ransomware that encrypts users’ files and demands ransom payment. Here you will find instructions on how to remove each ransomware, and what steps to take to try and restore your encrypted files.


Remove Trojan.Downloader.Dde.Gen from Your PC (October 2017)

This article aims to help you fully remove the Trojan.Downloader.Dde.Gen from your computer system and protect it against future infections. A new Trojan horse, detected as Trojan.Downloader.Dde.Gen has been detected by malware researchers. The virus is from the downloader type…


Remove Blue Eagle Virus – Restore .SaherBlueEagleRansomware Files

This article will aid you to remove Blue Eagle ransomware effectively. Follow the ransomware removal instructions given below in the article. Blue Eagle is a ransomware virus that encrypts your files, while also appends the .SaherBlueEagleRansomware extension to them. The…


Remove “Your Contacts/photos/messages/notes Have Been Encrypted”

This article aims to help you remove the latest Android ransomware virus “Your Contacts/photos/messages/notes Have Been Encrypted” and show you how to unlock your phone. Android ransomware viruses have rapidly grown in number and a strong sign for that is…


Remove LockeR Ransomware – Restore Files

This article will aid you to remove LockeR ransomware completely. Follow the ransomware removal instructions given below in the article. LockeR is a ransomware virus that encrypts your files. The LockeR virus displays a ransom note message stored in a…


The Magic Ransomware Removal – Restore .Locked Files

This article will aid you to remove The Magic ransomware efficiently. Follow the ransomware removal instructions given at the end. A new ransomware cryptovirus which is dubbed The Magic due to the signature of its malware author in the ransom…


Remove Tyrant Ransomware – Restore Files

This article will aid you to remove Tyrant ransomware totally. Follow the ransomware removal instructions given below in the article. Tyrant is a ransomware virus that encrypts your files and tries to extort you to pay for their restoration. The…


HKTL_COINMINE Malware – How to Remove It From Your Computer

This article aims to help you by showing you how to fully remove the HKTL_COINMINE malware from your computer and how to prevent it from mining cryptocurrencies using your system resources. New mining malware has been detected by this infection…


ViiperWare Ransomware Removal – Restore Files

This article will aid you to remove ViiperWare ransomware effectively. Follow the ransomware removal instructions given at the end. ViiperWare is the name of a ransomware cryptovirus. The ransomware is a variant of HiddenTear and is written to append the…


.CryEye (DoubleLocker) Files Virus – How to Remove + Restore Data

This article aims to show you how to erase CryEye ransomware from your Android device and how to restore files that have been encrypted by this virus. Android ransomware is gaining popularity with newer and newer variants continuing to be…


Remove Stroman Ransomware – Restore .stroman Files

This article will aid you to remove Stroman ransomware effectively. Follow the ransomware removal instructions given below in the article. Stroman is a ransomware virus that encrypts your files, while also appends the .stroman extension to them. The Stroman virus…


My Decryptor Ransomware – How to Remove + Restore Encrypted Files

This article is created to show how to remove My Decryptor ransomware infection virus and how to restore files that have been encrypted with added random file extensions to them. New ransomware infection, called My Decryptor ransomware has been spotted…


x1881 Ransomware – How to Remove and Restore .x1881 Files

This article aims to help you by explaining how to remove the x1881 ransomware from your computer and how to restore files that have been encrypted with added .x1881 one. A ransomware virus, known as the x1881 ransomware has been…


Remove Criptografado Ransomware – Restore .[SLAVIC@SECMAIL.PRO].CRIPTOGRAFADO Files

This article will aid you to remove Criptografado ransomware absolutely. Follow the ransomware removal instructions given below in the article. Criptografado is the newest variant of the BugWare ransomware and encrypts your files, while also appends the .[SLAVIC@SECMAIL.PRO].CRIPTOGRAFADO extension to…


LockOn Ransomware Removal – Restore Files

This article will aid you to remove LockOn ransomware effectively. Follow the ransomware removal instructions given at the end of the article. LockOn is the name of a ransomware cryptovirus. The ransomware is a variant of HiddenTear and encrypts files…


Remove BugWare Ransomware – Restore .[SLAVIC@SECMAIL.PRO].BUGWARE Files

This article will aid you to remove BugWare ransomware absolutely. Follow the ransomware removal instructions given below in the article. BugWare is a ransomware virus that encrypts your files, while also appends the .[SLAVIC@SECMAIL.PRO].BUGWARE extension to them. The BugWare virus…


.exo (ExoLock) Files Virus – How to Remove and Restore Files

This article aims to help you by showing how to remove the 2.0 variant of ExoLock ransomware and restore .exo encrypted files. A new ransomware infection has resurfaced as the second variant of ExoLock ransomware. The virus, also dubbed by…


.SENRUS17 Files Virus – How to Remove and Restore Files

This article aims to help you remove .SENRUS files ransomware (RotorCrypt) from your computer and restore files that have been encrypted by it on your computer system. New variant of the RotorCrypt ransomware viruses, known as .SENRUS17 file virus, has…


.Asasin File Virus (Locky) – Remove It and Restore Files

The article will aid you remove the .Asasin File Virus in full. Follow the ransomware removal instructions given at the end of this article. .Asasin File Virus is Locky’s latest ransomware iteration which appends the .Asasin extension to all encrypted…


Remove Ender Ransomware from Your PC

This article will aid you in removing the Ender ransomware absolutely. Follow the ransomware removal instructions provided at the bottom of the article. Ender ransomware is a virus. The virus is with screen-locking capabilities. The ransom message that pops up…


Remove CryptConsole 2 Ransomware – Restore Files

This article will aid you to remove CryptConsole 2 ransomware effectively. Follow the ransomware removal instructions given below in the article. CryptConsole 2 is a ransomware virus that encrypts your files. The CryptConsole 2 virus displays a ransom note message…

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