System helpers otherwise referred to as PC optimizers are becoming more and more and hence the competition between them is increasing a lot. In this dynamic environment, the company WinZip Computing, a company with a has created a program called System Utilities Suite which helps speed up the computer by disabling different unused processes, clearing unnecessary registries, defragmenting the hard drive and performing other maintenance tools. We have decided to review all of the features that WinZip offers in comparison to the competition and find some information on how well does the program actually perform when you rival it against other, powerful PC optimizing software.

App Profile
Name | WinZip System Utilities Suite |
Type | System Optimizer |
Developer | WinZip Computing Inc. |
Official Website | WinZip System Tools’ Website |
Operating System | (32/64Bit): Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP | License Price | €47.94 per year. |
STF’s Test Machine | Lenovo B50-70 with 64-bit Windows 8.1 |
User Experience | Discuss WinZip System Utilities Suite In Our Forum |

WinZip System Utilities Suite – Main Features and Performance
WinZip System Utilities Suite’s installation was the fastest from all System Optimizing programs which we have tested so far. It’s size is around 60 (62.5) megabytes and the program does as expected regarding system resources – light while idle and an average taking up of system resources while WinZip System Utilities Suite is scanning and optimizing:
As soon as it was installed, WinZip System Utilities Suite immediately began conducting an automatic scan of the system. This was very suitable for users who do not have much experience and are not tech savvy, but it may be annoying for tech savvy users who are used to configuring things themselves:
In addition to this, WinZip System Utilities Suite displays a detailed pop-up after a scan on the bottom right corner of the screen which was very comfortable. The pop-up displays the number of fixable elements in each area of scanning:
For maintenance, WinZip System Utilities Suite has clearly divided the different areas of optimization it Is focused on:
Crash Helper
This feature of WinZip System Utilities Suite simplifies the confusing part when you get an error. You can simply paste the error which is given in the field and the software will display more information about the possible causes for this error. This is a remarkable feature, especially for tech-savvy users and not many programs have it:
Driver Backup
This is a standard feature which stores copies of the crucial drivers of Windows. It has a simple menu which enables you to either backup all the drivers or to choose amongst specifically desired ones. This may be helpful in case you are focused on backing up drivers which regularly crash and are problematic:
Registry Defragmenter
This is a conventional tool for most PC optimizers and it includes the defragmentation of the memory “blocks” in the hard drive. The defragmentation is essentially a process resembling the ordering of different memory objects in a specific order so that the computer runs faster. An example that can explain this easier is that it is similar to how much easier humans remember different details or something that they studied much better only after they have had a nice sleep.
Startup Manager
The standard startup manager of WinZip System Utilities Suite allowing users to manually shut down services and processes which are not used:
Uninstall Manager
The standard uninstallation manager. It’s benefits are that it displays the date a program is installed as well as its publisher and its size. Not only this, but it also has a gear leaver icon which turns on the repair function of the desired software setup:
WinZip System Utilities Suite also has simply created settings which we secretly hoped to be a bit more than just off and on switching.
According to the notorious website TopTenReviews™, the program did well in the PC speed up testing:
Source: TopTenReviews™’s research.

What We Like
- Light on the PC.
- Extremely easy to work with and well-structured design.
- Fast scanning, fast installation.

What Is Missing
- Scheduling settings for automatic scans.
- Advanced settings.
- The price is too high in comparison to the competition and it is per year as well.

Overall and all, WinZip System Utilities Suite is a simply designed program that will surely optimize your computer. Do not expect it to have any unusual and mesmerizing features, however. The program constantly monitors the computer, but we saw that it lacks scheduling feature for automatic scanning, which is not a bit minus but could have been there since some users may like to leave their computers at night to perform various activities automatically.
The good side of the program is that it was very easy to work with, and the placement of the features was very well organized and optimized, and users who do not have a lot of experience will have a great time working with the light and user-friendly design of WinZip System Utilities Suite.

Ich bin recht unerfahren mit Anwendungen und ärgere mich täglich über die installierte Ware von Winzip. Ich habe den malwareprotector, die system utilities und den driver updater installiert. Seitdem werde ich nahezu non stop belästigt mit Werbung die gekaufte software aufzuwerten. Das ist nicht nur lästig sondern extrem ärgerlich und auch beängstigend. Selbst bei sensiblen Aktionen popt diese Werbung in meine Aktivitäten ein. Vom Kauf dieser Produkte ist dringend abzuraten