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Ventsislav is a cybersecurity expert at SensorsTechForum since 2015. He has been researching, covering, helping victims with the latest malware infections plus testing and reviewing software and the newest tech developments. Having graduated Marketing as well, Ventsislav also has passion for learning new shifts and innovations in cybersecurity that become game changers. After studying Value Chain Management, Network Administration and Computer Administration of System Applications, he found his true calling within the cybersecrurity industry and is a strong believer in the education of every user towards online safety and security.


Office365 Fake Login Page – Remove It from Your PC and Browser

This article has been created to explain what is the Office365 scamming redirect which aims to steal your Office365 credentials from your computer. A new form of phishing attack has been detected to be introduced in the same theme as…


.RECOVERYOURFILES Virus – How to Remove It and Restore Data

This article has been created in order to explain to you how you can remove the .RECOVERYOURFILES virus from your computer and how you can get back files, encrypted by this ransomware. Yet another ransomware with mysterious origins has popped…


.ANN Files Virus – How to Remove It + Restore Encrypted Data

This article has been created in order to explain what is Ann Ransomware and how to remove it from your computer plus how you can try and get back .ANN encrypted files. The .ANN files virus is the type of…


CastVPN “Virus” – How to Remove It and Stop Ads

This article has been created to help you remove the CastVPN adware from your computer and show how you can stop advertisements from CastVPN in the future as well. A new unwanted program, known as CastVPN has been reported to…


Demand for Malware In Dark Web Higher than Supply for 2018

Demand for all types of malware has skyrocketed and keeps growing in the underground cyber-criminal markets and has already surpassed the currently supply, PTSecurity has reported. In line with the financial losses caused by malware which are increasing steadily, the…

Spectre 1.1 Vulnerability

NetSpectre Bug – New Spectre Method Attacks CPUs Via Network Connections

New evolved Spectre Bug has been discovered by security researchers. The bug prays on the CPUs of victims and uses the processor in combination with Network Connections to obtain critical information. The new attack is going by the name NetSpectre…


XIAOBA 2.0 Ransomware – Remove + Recover .XIAOBA Files

This article has been created with the purpose to help explain what is the 2.0 version of Xiaoba ransomware virus and how to remove it from your computer plus how you can restore .XIAOBA files. A new variant of the…


.cryptes Files Virus – How to Delete It + Restore Files

This article has been created to explain what is the .cryptes file ransomware, how to remove it from your computer system and how you can restore .cryptes encrypted files. Yet another mysterious ransomware infection has been discovered by security researchers.…


“YOU ARE HACKED” Ransom Virus – Remove It and Restore Data

This article has been created with the purpose to help explain what is the “YOU ARE HACKED” ransomware virus and how to remove it from your computer plus how you can restore files, encrypted by it on your PC. Another…


.STOPDATA Ransomware Virus – How to Remove It and Restore Files

This article has been created with the purpose to help explain to you what is the new version of STOP ransomware and how to remove it plus how to try and restore .STOPDATA files, encrypted by it on your PC.…


Zombieboy Trojan Worm – How to Remove It from Your PC

This article has been created in order to explain what is the Zombieboy Trojan and how to remove this worm Trojan from your computer completely. A new Trojan, going by the detection Trojan.Zombieboy has been discovered by security researchers. The…


.combo Files Virus (Dharma Ransomware) – Remove + Restore Files

This article has been made with the clear purpose to help explain more about Dharma Ransomware virus’s latest version and help you remove this ransomware infection from your computer and try to restore files, encrypted with the .combo file extension…


.armage Files Virus – How to Remove and Restore Files

This article has been created with the purpose to help explain what is the .armage files virus, what are .armage files and how to remove the malware associated with them and try to restore as many of them as you…


Skype Classic to End Soon – Users Forced to Update to Skype 8

The official announcement of the discontinuing of the Skype Classic version of the program is already a fact, scheduled for 1st of September, 2018. The 2018 version, called Skype Classic has been reported to no longer be supported after the…


WhiteClick “Virus” Toolbar – How to Remove It (Browser and PC)

This article aims to explain in detail what is the WhiteClick or White Click Toolbar and provide instructions on how to remove this potentially unsafe program from your computer. WhiteClick toolbar is what someone who sees it in action might…

remove rotorcrypt ransomware decrypt .RAR files free step by step guide sensorstechforum

.zip Files Virus (Unlock92 Zipper) – How to Remove It and Unlock Data

This article has been created in order to help explain what is the .zip files ransomware virus and how to remove it from your computer plus how you can unlock files, archived by it. The .zip files virus is a…


.DATASTOP Files Virus – How to Remove and Restore Files

This article has been created to explain to you what is the .DATASTOP ransomware virus and how to remove it from your computer plus how you can restore files, encrypted by it. A new ransomware virus, using the .DATASTOP file…


Killswitch File Now Available for GandCrab v4.1.2 Ransomware

The South Korean company Ahnlab has developed a Killswitch for the latest version of the virus, calling itself v4.1.2, causing the ransomware to stop functioning. Ahnlab has reportedly analyzed the internal version 4.1.2 of GandCrab ransomware, which is part of…


.SHRUG2 Files Virus (ShrugDecryptor) – Remove and Restore Data

This article has been created to help you understand what is the Shrug ransomware virus (ShrugDecryptor) and show how to remove it plus how you can restore files, encrypted by it with an added .SHRUG2 extension. A new ransomware virus,…


.TQV Files Virus (Ransomware) – How to Remove and Recover Data

This article has been created with the purpose to explain what is the .TQV files virus and how you can remove this ransomware virus effectively from your computer system plus how you can restore files that have been encrypted by…

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