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Ventsislav is a cybersecurity expert at SensorsTechForum since 2015. He has been researching, covering, helping victims with the latest malware infections plus testing and reviewing software and the newest tech developments. Having graduated Marketing as well, Ventsislav also has passion for learning new shifts and innovations in cybersecurity that become game changers. After studying Value Chain Management, Network Administration and Computer Administration of System Applications, he found his true calling within the cybersecrurity industry and is a strong believer in the education of every user towards online safety and security.


.Hacked Files Virus – Remove and Restore Your Data

This article’s purpose is to show you how to fully and safely remove the new Hacked ransomware virus and how to restore files encrypted with the .hacked file extension appended to them. A new ransomware infection, similar to WannaCry ransomware…


.OGONIA Files Virus (Ransomware) – Remove It and Restore Data

This article has been created in order to show you how to remove the .OGONIA file virus, which is a CryptoMix ransomware variant and how to try and get back as many encrypted files as possible without having to pay…


Pendor Ransomware – Remove and Restore .pnr Files

This article has been created to help you remove Pendor ransomware infection from your computer system and restore files encrypted with the added .pnr file extension. The beginning of September 2017 has brought multiple new ransomware viruses on the block.…


WordPress Ransomware Attacks On the Rise (.EV Ransomware)

As of middle of August, researchers have concluded that multiple ransomware variants, starting with EV ransomware have emerged targeting WordPress sites. The viruses aim to lock out the WordPress page, denying access to it and demanding website publishers to pay…


.EMPTY Files Virus – How to Remove and Decrypt Files for Free

This article aims to provide instructions and information on how to remove .EMPTY file ransomware virus and how to restore files that have been encrypted by it. The CryptoMix family of ransomware viruses has received new update and this time…


.Arena Files Virus (Dharma Ransomware) – Remove and Restore

This article aims to help you by showing you how to remove the latest Dharma ransomware variant and how to restore files encrypted with the .arena file extension by it. A new version of Dharma ransomware has been detected out…


The 10 Funniest Computer Fails, Bugs and Errors

As long as there is code, there will always be bugs in it, and this is definitely not a good thing, especially for companies, because such minor bugs may result in devastating consequences. However, bugs and errors can sometimes amuse…


.CYRON File Virus (CYRON INSTALLED) – Remove + Restore Files

This article is created to help you remove Cyron ransomware virus from your computer and restore files encrypted with the .CYRON file extension added to them. The end of August has seen the activation of multiple new ransomware variants. One…


LG Hacked by WannaCry – Recovers Files Via Backup

One of the biggest tech manufacturers, LG, has experienced a major interruption due to the return of the WannaCry ransomware virus. WannaCry ransomware is back and it has attacked LG this time. The virus has reportedly been already patched by…


The Best Hacker Gadgets (Devices) for 2020

This article is created to show you what are the most desired and effective hacking gadgets in 2020 and what makes them so special and sought after. SIDENOTE: This post was originally published in August 2017. But we gave it…


.ERROR File Virus – Remove and Restore Encrypted Files

This article has been created to help you by displaying how to remove .ERROR ransomware and how to restore encrypted files. A new ransomware infection, going by the name Error Ransomware has been reported to roam around the web, encrypting…


.cesar Files Virus (Dharma Ransomware) – Remove and Restore Data

This post has been created to explain to you how to remove the new CrySiS/Dharma ransomware variant which was recently detected in the wild, using the .cesar file extension. A new variant of the Dharma ransomware infection has been detected…


.fmoon Files Virus – Remove MOON DECRYPTOR (+ Restore)

This article aims to help you remove the MOON DECRYPTOR ransomware virus from your computer and restore files that have been encrypted with the .fmoon file extension added. A new ransomware virus, calling itself MOON or MOON DECRYPTOR has been…


.crypt12 File Ransomware – Remove Virus and Restore Data

This blog post aims to explain to you how to remove .crypt12 ransomware virus and how to attempt and recover files that have been encoded with the added .crypt12 file extension. Now ransomware virus with mysterious origins has been detected…


How to Remove Mac Ransomware SOLVED (Padlock Icon Lock)

Image Source: MakeMac.com Article created to help you remove the lockscreen Mac ransomware using help.apple@gmail.com e-mail to extort victims into paying in BitCoin. A new ransomware from the Lockscreen type for Apple MacBooks has appeared in the wild. The virus…


Remove GG Ransomware and Restore .GG Encrypted Files

This article aims to help you by showing how to remove BRansomware virus from your computer system and how to restore .GG extension encrypted files. A new ransomware virus, going by the name GG Ransomware has been detected in the…


How to Downgrade from Windows 10 to 7, 8, 8.1 (Update August 2017)

With the emerging of the latest version of Windows, the 10, many users have implemented it into their daily life. Despite few bugs, forced updates, and several other cons, the majority of users prefer it due to its lightness and…


SHINIGAMI LOCKER – Remove It and Restore .shinigami Files

This article aims to show you how to remove SHINIGAMI LOCKER from your computer and how to restore .shinigami encrypted files. A new ransomware was recently identified to infect users, going by the Japanese name Shinigami (God of Death). The…


Remove MMM Ransomware and Restore .0x009d8a Files

This article aims to show you how to remove MMM ransomware from your computer and how to restore .0x009d8a encrypted files. A new ransomware virus, going by the name MMM ransowmare has been reported to use a combination of not…

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