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Ventsislav is a cybersecurity expert at SensorsTechForum since 2015. He has been researching, covering, helping victims with the latest malware infections plus testing and reviewing software and the newest tech developments. Having graduated Marketing as well, Ventsislav also has passion for learning new shifts and innovations in cybersecurity that become game changers. After studying Value Chain Management, Network Administration and Computer Administration of System Applications, he found his true calling within the cybersecrurity industry and is a strong believer in the education of every user towards online safety and security.


Remove Av666@weekendwarrior55.com Ransomware and Restore the Encrypted Files

A new ransomware reported with the domain weekendwarrior55.com redirecting to mail.ru has been reported to encrypt user files with random extensions. Users have increasingly begun complaining that the malicious program has corrupted their data. However, unlike other ransomware, this particular…


Get Rid of .ga Referral Spam In Google Analytics

Referral spam redirecting to Heavengifts(.)com by a web link, called Quit-smoking(.)ga has been reported to increase rapidly. The referral spam is believed to spread via a combination of Web Crawlers as well as Ghost Referral spam bots. It is highly…

when malware strikes

New Pro PoS Solutions Banking Malware Available

Along with the incoming winter holidays a new ‘present’ for cyber-criminals, called Pro PoS Solutions has been uploaded for sale in dark web forums. From its upload point forward PoS users are in for a special Christmas financial data stealing…

remove v9.com browser hijacker easily

Remove V9(.)Com Browser Hijacker – Simple Manual

A browser hijacker associated with the website v9.com has been reported to harass users with annoying advertisements in the form of ad-supported search results. v9.com features some shady privacy policy statements regarding collecting personal information as well as using it.…


Get Rid of Polarmarathon(.)com Referral Spam In Google Analytics

Referral spam associated with a suspicious domain, called Polarmarathon(.)com has been detected to increase the Google Analytics data on several websites. The suspicious retailer website is most likely a scam, since it has overpiced goods and has been reported as…


Remove Ultimate Gamer Toolbar Completely

A toolbar known as Ultimate Gamer has been recently identified as a PUP(Potentially Unwanted Program) by virus researchers. The toolbar is advertised as a helpful software to assist gamers in their online experience, however it is advisable not to trust…


Get Rid of Cyber-monday(.)ga Referral Spam In Google Analytics

Referral spam has been causing quite the headaches lately as researchers manage to detect more and more websites providing referrer-spam services.. One of those websites is cyber-monday(.)ga which is frequently being spotted in comment spam messages with a subject similar…


Get Rid of My Secret Video Facebook Spam

A new Facebook spam of a malicious link connected with request.blob.core.windows.net has been spreading vigorously via users. Security researchers believe that the scam itself is redistributed by malicious software affecting primarily android devices, because after clicking on the questionable spam…


Remove Vonteera Adware Completely

Vonteera Adware which has been reported to be a PUP by ESG security engineers. The PUPs associated with Win32/Vonteera are usually browser toolbars and extensions that may be heavily ad-supported. This particular software is a low level type of threat…


Remove Ipadian and Setup.exe Completely

With the release of the latest installment of Fallout by Bethesda studios, there has been a fallout craze and many users started to download fallout content, including their app, called Fallout Shelter. Here is where potentially hazardous software such as…


Get Rid of Adf.ly Referral Spam Links In Google Analytics

Referrer spam has been the cause of many website publishers` headaches lately. There have been many websites that have experienced problems with their analytics due to such spamming software. It is primarily conducted by the so called spam bots that…


Remove Golden Dock Ads Completely

Golden Dock Ads is an adware PUP that is confirmed to display annoying pop-up messages to users linking to various third-party websites. Security researchers recommend being very cautious when dealing with Golden Dock Ads and remove it in case you…


Encryptor RaaS – How to Remove It and Restore Encrypted Files

Encryptor RaaS is a devastating trojan horse that causes quite the headaches. Symantec researchers have reported a new wave of encryptor RaaS hitting users on a global scale. This particular ransomware is detected to slip into the user system, modify…


Block 1webmaster(.)ml Referral Spam In Google Analytics

Referrer spam mentioning the domain 1webmaster(.)ml has increased recently, security experts report. What is more, this particular type of spam is believed to be more sophisticated and persistent. The website 1websmaster(.)ml is reported to advertise spam bots and other software…


Get Rid of Sharebutton(.)to Referral Spam from Google Analytics

A new Referrer spam has become increasingly widespread over many URLs, such as the one going by the name of Get-Your-Social-Buttons(.)Info. The website itself posts a link with its domain redirecting the user who clicks on it on one of…


Get Rid of WordPress-crew(.)net Referrer Spam

WordPress-crew referrer spam is a type of spam aiming to drive hoax traffic to third-party websites. The site itself leads to a WordPress management service that is shady and does not have any privacy policies. This spam is mainly seen…


Remove S(.)coldsearch(.)com Browser Hijacker Completely

A very intrusive browser hijacker using the suspicious search engine, called s(. )coldsearch(.)com has been reported to slither onto user PCs to display interruptive advertisements. The questionable application is also believed to collect personal information and process it and may…


Get Rid of Ranksonic(.)biz Referral Spam In Google Analytics

If you have become a victim of Ranksonic(.)biz’s referral spam it is important to take the necessary actions to cut the spam away from your website permanently. According to experts, this referral spam has been caught to cause a storm…


Remove Free Game Zone Toolbar Completely

A toolbar going by the name Free Game Zone is actually a browser extension with over 2 million users, devloped by BANDOO MEDIA, INC. This particular extension is regarded as a PUA(Potentially Unwanted Application) and virus researchers outline it as…

.crypt ransomware

Remove Silasw9pa .Crinf Ransomware and Restore Your Files

Several ransomware variants have been known to decrypt more and more user files lately. The ransomware itself and is also known as DecryptorMax or CryptInfinite. This devastating cyber-threat to user PCs has proven that it can be quite effective by…

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