Created by MacPaw Inc. this neat program is aims to optimize a computer by cleaning up junk files and granting easier access to manual clean up of objects that are causing a computer to run slow. The program also has multiple related features which is a must if it is to compete with other notorious software optimizing companies out there. We have decided to research CleanMyPC and test it from a user perspective and create a software review with the purpose of demonstrating the capabilities and the cons of this software.

App Profile
Name | CleanMyPC |
Type | System Optimizer |
Developer | MacPaw Inc. |
Official Website |
Operating System | Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7. Including both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. | License Price | 39.95 Euros |
STF’s Test Machine | Lenovo B50-70 with 64-bit Windows 8.1 |
User Experience | Discuss and learn more about CleanMyPC In Our Forum |
Similar Tools | Learn more about MacPaw cleaner’s features by trying it out:
MacPaw Cleaner

CleanMyPC – In-Depth View
As soon as it was installed on our test machine, the ~38MB program greeted us with a rather pleasant user interface which was designed in a very simple manner.
It became immediately evident that the program aims to begin scanning as fast as possible instead of wasting the user’s time with tutorials or sophisticated menus and sub menus. This is actually a very comfortable feature because the software can be operated with ease by users who are not as experienced, like your great grandmother, for example.
CleanMyPC perfors quite good when it comes to scanning and cleaning files and objects as well. Not only the scanning of Registry junk objects and unnecessary computer files was quite fast, but the program did not take a lot of the test machine’s CPU, HDD and RAM resources, so you can easily perform other tasks on it while the program is operating.
The settings of CleanMyPC are also in a modern and good design, but this won’t fool us that they are advanced and many. However, on the other hand, such software does not really require a lot of settings and preference tweaks as well, but it would be good to have such in a technical version for advanced users who like tweaking. We particularly enjoyed the Shredder drop agent feature as well as the Recycle Bin monitor and the fact that the program erases junk from external devices (USB, MicroSD) as well.
Another feature which caught our eyes was the Privacy section of the software which helps you choose on which web browsers do you want to clean the cache, the cookies, sessions, history, storage, download history, authorization and other information. The Privacy feature also has a “Safety Level” meter displaying the level of security each browser has at the moment of scanning:
There is also the Autorun feature which is not something particularly radical in terms of innovation, but is designed very clearly without the user having to watch it 1 hour to figure out what program is for what purpose. It also has the path of the programs and their Publisher and an on and off switch.
During the software review, we particularly enjoyed the Ignore List of the program. This is because there are many Windows optimizers out there that clear every file and object they consider to be junk, however they often tend to wipe any passwords that were remembered by web browsers. This is a very bad situation if you have multiple accounts with different passwords on many websites. With this ignore list combined with the browser Privacy section this is no longer an issue:

What We Like
- Minimalistic design that is suitable for users with less experience.
- Algorithms designed to make the program very fast while scanning and removing files.
- It’s main working process takes up a roughly average of 15% of the CPU leaving a modern laptop to be able to perform other tasks while the program is operating.
- Cleans a lot of junk which other well-known software optimizers could not discover.
- The trial version provides one free cleanup so users can use it before actually committing to a purchase.

What Is Missing
- More advanced features, tweaks and monitoring.
- More preferences in the Options menu.
- Could use a more advanced technical version for computer techniques and system administrators.

CleanMyPC is software oriented towards the average home PC user, but do not mistake this with the program’s capabilities because they are nothing like average. It is very fast, stable, did not crash once during our tests and does not take up a lot of the system space. The program can perform well even on older and less powerful computers that are running slow. We believe it is a powerful program and a choice to consider if your computer is running slow.