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Ventsislav is a cybersecurity expert at SensorsTechForum since 2015. He has been researching, covering, helping victims with the latest malware infections plus testing and reviewing software and the newest tech developments. Having graduated Marketing as well, Ventsislav also has passion for learning new shifts and innovations in cybersecurity that become game changers. After studying Value Chain Management, Network Administration and Computer Administration of System Applications, he found his true calling within the cybersecrurity industry and is a strong believer in the education of every user towards online safety and security.


“Something, Somewhere Went Terribly Wrong” Luxnut Virus (Remove)

Article created to explain how to remove the Luxnut ransomware virus and restore files that have been added the .locked file extension. A new ransomware infection has been discovered by malware researchers at the end of May 2017. The virus…


Remove .RESURRECTION Ransomware and Restore Files

This article has been created to display how to remove the Resurrection ransomware and restore .resurrection encrypted files. A ransomware detected in the beginning of June 2017 has been reported to demand the sum of 1.77 BTC from it’s victims…


ZeuS Panda Banker Trojan (suchka.exe) – Remove It Completely

This article has been created to help you detect and remove ZeuS Panda Banker Trojan (suchka.exe) from your computer completely and protect yourself in the future as well. A new version of the ZeuS Trojan has reappeared, called Panda Banker.…


.MASTER File Virus – Remove BTCWare and Restore Data

This article has been created to help you remove the latest BTCWare ransomware from your computer and show how to restore .master encrypted files. A new version of the notorious BTCWare ransomware has appeared in the wild. The ransomware virus…


OoPS .RAMEN File Virus (Restore Files)

This article has the agenda to show you how to remove OoPS Ransomware and attempt to restore files that have been encrypted with the added .ramen file extension. A file encryption malware, known as OoPS ransomware has been detected at…


AES-NI Virus – Decrypt Files for Free (Update May 2017)

Article created to explain how to remove AES-NI ransomware from your computer and decrypt AES_NI encrypted files for free. Update May 2017! A decrypter has been developed for a ransomware virus, known by many as AES-NI ransomware. The infection aims…


Gomme Ransom Virus (Restore .gommemode Files)

Article created to show you how to remove the Gomme Ransom virus from your computer and restore files encrypted with .gommemode file extension. A new ransomware virus has appeared at the end of March 2017. The virus encrypts the files…


.IMSORRY Ransomware Virus (Restore Files)

This article has been created in order to show you how to remove ImSorry ransomware and restore AES encrypted files with the .imsorry file extension. A ransomware virus encrypting files via the AES algorithm and demanding $500 ransom payoff in…


.wtdi File Virus – Remove .NET CryptoWall and Restore Files

This article will explain what is .wtdi ransomware and help you remove the .NET CryptoWall.exe ransomware plus restore encrypted files on your computer. A ransomware virus believed to imitate the notorious CryptoWall and is written in .NET has appeared in…


Remove SmartRansom and Restore Encrypted Files

Article created to show you how to remove SmartRansom Chinese ransomware virus and restore files encrypted by it. A ransomware virus, that has a QR scanning code embedded in it’s ransom note so that a payoff in BitCoin can be…


.Oled Files Ransomware Virus (Decrypt Files)

This article aims to help you remove the Oled ransomware virus completely from your computer and restore files encrypted with .oled file extension added. A ransomware virus, believed to be a part of the BTCWare ransomware family has been reported…


LightningCrypt Ransomware (Restore .LIGHTNING Files)

This article aims to help you remove the LightningCrypt ransomware virus from your computer and restore the files encrypted with .LIGHTNING file extension added to them. Discovered at the end of May 2017, the LightningCrypt ransomware is a well-designed virus…


“All your personal files are LOCKED!”– Remove Fake DMA Locker 3.0

This article aims to help you remove the fake DMA Locker 3.0 ransomware virus and restore files with the !Encrypt! file marker in their hex. A ransomware virus, named fake DMA Locker 3.0 has been reported by malware researchers to…


Deos Ransomware – Remove and Restore .locked Files

This article aims to help you remove Deos ransomware from your computer and restore the .locked encrypted files. May 2017 is the month of ransomware, it seems, and the latest string that has been reported to encrypt files has been…


.PRIAPOS Virus – Decrypt Your Files (Free)

This article aims to help you remove .PRIAPOS virus file ransomware and decrypt the encrypted files by this ransomware infection for free. Another iteration from the massive Globe ransomware family has popped out into the open, carrying the name .PRIAPOS…


Remove Adylkuzz Miner Virus (Trojan.Adylkuzz)

This article aims to help you completely remove the Adylkuzz Monero miner Trojan from your computer, dropping the files msiexev.exe and wuauser.exe in it. A Trojan horse, named Adylkuzz has been reported to use the same exploits WannaCry ransomware’s worm…


EternalRocks Worm More Powerful Than WannaCry SMB Worm

Remember the leaks of exploits used by the WannaCry SMB worm that cause more than 240,000 detections in 48 hours? If you do, you’d remember they were named EternalBlue and DoublePulsar. A new worm has appeared, carrying the name EternalRocks…


.pwned Virus Files – Remove and Restore Data

This article has been created with the purpose to guide you on how to remove Decryption Assistant ransomware and restore .pwned encrypted files. A ransomware infection, known as Decryption Assistant virus has been reported to be spread in the wild…


.~XDATA~ Ransomware Virus – Remove and Restore Files

Article created to show how to remove the XData ransomware infection and restore files encrypted with added .~xdata~ file extension. Update May 2017! A ransomware virus detected in mid May 2017 has been reported to cause massive infections, predominantly in…


Decrypt .wallet Encrypted Files for Free (Dharma Update 2017)

This article aims to help you remove the Dharma .wallet ransomware string and decrypt the .wallet encrypted files without paying. Thanks to Avast researchers, a decryption method has been updated in their CrySiS ransomware fix tool, which can now decrypt…

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