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An inspired writer and content manager who has been with SensorsTechForum since the project started. A professional with 10+ years of experience in creating engaging content. Focused on user privacy and malware development, she strongly believes in a world where cybersecurity plays a central role. If common sense makes no sense, she will be there to take notes. Those notes may later turn into articles! Follow Milena @Milenyim

Remove Hi.ru from the Browser

Remove Hi.ru from the Browser

What Is Hi.ru and How to Remove It Permanently? This article aims to show you how to remove Hi.ru hijacker from your computer completely and protect your computer against future infections as well. Hi.ru is Russian website that is most…


CVE-2020-8597: Critical PPP Daemon Flaw Affects Most Linux Distros

A 17-year-old remote code execution bug that impacts the PPP daemon software (pppd) in nearly all Linux operating systems was just reported. The PPP daemon comes installed on a wide range of Linux distros, and it also powers the firmware…


5G Networks and the Imposing Security Threats Demand Quick Reactions

According to Statista, by 2021, the number of 5G connections is expected to reach up to 100 million, with some estimates putting the figure at 200 million. With the multitude of all types of devices expected to be running on…


Remove FastDataX 1.20 Adware

Have you encountered a program called FastDataX 1.20 on your system? FastDataX 1.20 Adware Pop-Ups FastDataX 1.20, also known as FastDataX.exe, is an adware (ad-supported program) which is commonly bundled with legitimate software. As a result of this bundling process,…


CVE-2019-15126: Kr00k Vulnerability Affects a Despicable Number of Devices

There’s a new significant vulnerability affecting a wide range of products. Dubbed Kr00k (CVE-2019-15126), the vulnerability can be exploited to intercept and decrypt WiFi network traffic relying on WPA2 connections. The CVE-2019-15126 flaw was disclosed during the RSA 2020 security…


How to Recognize Spam Emails with Ransomware

You should know by now that the best method to protect your computer from ransomware and malware in general, is to prevent it from entering it on the first place. The second best thing is to backup your files so…


125% Increase in Malware Attacks Against Windows 7

What does Webroot Threat Report 2020 reveal about the state of malware? To create the report, the researchers went through some “massive amounts of data”. To be precise, they analyzed samples from more than 37 billion URLs, 842 million domains,…


1.7M Users Infected by Malicious Chrome Extensions

More than 500 malicious Chrome extensions have been removed from Google’s Web Store, all of which were discovered to be part of a large malvertising campaign. The extensions contained malicious ads and were siphoning users’ browsing data to suspicious servers.…


Highly Sensitive Data of Plastic Surgery Patients Exposed

A new data-related incident was recently reported, affecting some personal details of plastic surgery patients. The exposed personal data includes hundreds of thousands of documents and photos, and at fault is an improperly configured Amazon Web Services S3 bucket. NextMotion’s…


Ransomware to Hit Businesses Every 11 Seconds in 2021

Where will ransomware stand in the forthcoming years? According to various statistics, ransomware attacks increased discernibly in 2019. The reason? The vulnerable state of organizations and the increasing level of sophistication seen in attack mechanisms. In other words, attackers are…


GDPR Cookie Consent Plugin Vulnerable, Thousands of WordPress Sites at Risk

A GDPR compliance plugin for WordPress has turned out to be vulnerable, exposing website owners to critical security issues. GDPR Cookie Consent Plugin Vulnerable The GDPR Cookie Consent plugin by the Cookie Law Info developer has been offered through WebToffee,…


macOS More Susceptible to Adware and PUPs than Windows

The general belief for a very long time has been that macOS is safer than Windows. However, new statistics reveal that the number of Mac threats is increasing faster than the number of Windows threats. According to the 2020 Malwarebytes…


Privacy Commissioner of Canada against Facebook’s Privacy Practices

Canada is one of several countries that launched investigations regarding Facebook’s privacy practices following the Cambridge Analytics scandal. It comes to no one’s surprise that currently Canada’s privacy commissioner is taking Facebook to court in an attempt to force the…


Adult Websites Suffered the Most DDoS Attacks in 2019

A new Imperva report presents a detailed analysis of the DDoS threat landscape in 2019. The report is based on statistical data of 3,643 network layer and 42,390 application layer DDoS attacks, mitigated by the company. The data was gathered…


CVE-2020-0022: Another Dangerous Bluetooth Bug in Android

CVE-2020-0022 is a potentially dangerous remote code execution vulnerability in Bluetooth. The bug is one of the fixes in the February security updates for Android. The flaw was unearthed and reported by German security researchers from ERNW. CVE-2020-0022: What Is…


Prodigy Search “Virus” – Removal Instructions

Are you trying to remove Prodigy Search from your browser? This article may be able to help you. Prodigy Search is classified as a potentially unwanted application with browser-hijacking capabilities. Such apps are also ad-supported, which often leads to the…


Coronavirus Emails Are Spreading the Emotet Malware

Exploiting a viral topic for malicious purposes is something quite often seen is spam campaigns. This is what is happening now with the new strain of the coronavirus. A new spam, botnet-driven campaign is spreading malicious files masqueraded as documents…


New Windows 10 UAC Bypass Used by TrickBot to Run with Admin Privileges

The operators of TrickBot Trojan have once again updated its malicious code, and it is now capable of leveraging a new Windows 10 UAC bypass. Through this, the Trojan is capable of executing itself with elevated privileges without displaying a…

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