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Ventsislav is a cybersecurity expert at SensorsTechForum since 2015. He has been researching, covering, helping victims with the latest malware infections plus testing and reviewing software and the newest tech developments. Having graduated Marketing as well, Ventsislav also has passion for learning new shifts and innovations in cybersecurity that become game changers. After studying Value Chain Management, Network Administration and Computer Administration of System Applications, he found his true calling within the cybersecrurity industry and is a strong believer in the education of every user towards online safety and security.


.BELGIAN_COCOA File Virus (Remove and Restore)

Article created to explain more about what is .BELGIAN_COCOA ransomware and how to remove it and restore encrypted files. A ransomware infection, known as .BELGIAN_COCOA because of it’s file extension added to the encrypted files, has hit the wild, infecting…


Aleta Ransomware – Remove and Decrypt Files for Free

This article has been created to help you remove Aleta BTCWare ransomware from your computer and restore .aleta encrypted files. A new version of BTCware ransomware has came out, following the .MASTER variant. It is now calling itself Aleta ransomware…


.Lalabitch File Virus (Remove and Restore Files)

This post has been created to help you remove Lalabitch virus from your computer and decrypt .lalabitch encrypted files. A ransomware infection going by the name “Lalabitch” has been detected by security experts in the beginning of July, 2017. The…


CRBR ENCRYPTOR Ransomware Virus – Remove and Restore Files

Article, created with the purpose to show how to remove CRBR ENCRYPTOR ransomware virus and restore files encrypted by this infection on your PC. Every time the cyber-crimnals who have created the Cerber ransomware infection update their virus, they make…


Creator of Petya Ransomware Wants to Help Decrypting The New Virus

Ever since the new Petya also known as EternalPetya ransomware outbreak has occurred and it’s payment e-mail was shut down and after it was determined that the virus cannot reverse the encryption even if you pay, many researchers have put…


Remove Random6 Ransomware and Restore Encrypted Files

This article aims to help you remove the newly detected Random6 ransomware dropping “RESTORE-{random 6 characters}-FILES.txt” ransom note and show how you can get your files back. A new ransomware virus known as Random6, because it uses six random characters…


Remove Nemucod-AES(ATTENTION!) Ransomware and Recover Files

This article is created to help you remove the latest Nemucod-AES ransomware variant and try to recover the files which have been encrypted via AES-128 cipher. A new version of the Nemucod ransomware has been reported to roam around in…


GoldenEye Ransomware – Restore Files (July 2017)

This article aims to help you restore encrypted files from your hard drive if it has been infected by Petya GoldenEye Ransomware (other variant is known as Petya Eternal, ExPetr, PetrWrap, NotPetya). The new ransomware outbreak of GoldenEye ransomware has…


“Oops, Your Important Files Are Encrypted” (Petya.A WannaCry Ransom Virus)

This article aims to help you learn more about the latest ransomware outbreak spreading Petya ransomware. It will also show you how to remove the latest Petya.A ransomware virus and restore access to your computer successfully. Just when we thought…


.Tesla File Virus – Decrypt Files (TeslaWare)

This post is created to explain to you what is TeslaWare ransomware and how to get .Tesla encrypted files back without paying the hefty ransom fee. New ransomware virus, imitating what appears to be the company Tesla or Nikola Tesla…


.org File Virus (Restore Files)

What Is .org File Virus? This article aims to explain how to remove the .org ransomware virus, also known as QuakeWay and restore .org encrypted files. _iWasHere.txt ransom note and quakeway@mail.ru written in it are the clear indicators that you…


Locky and Cerber Ransomware Viruses Both Updated

Both Locky and Cerber ransomware have gotten fresh new updates and started spreading their new variants with new spam campaigns. The changes in the variants are not so radical, but more of incremental type of modifications and the malwares have…


Dreambot Banking Trojan Malware – Detect and Remove It

This post has been created to show you what is Dreambot banking malware, how to remove it completely from your computer after detecting it. If you remember the Gozi banking trojan, chances are you may be familiar with the Dreambot…


Remove aZaZeL Virus and Restore .Encrypted Files

This article aims to help you remove aZaZeL ransomware from your computer and restore files that have the .Encrypted file extension added to them. A new ransomware virus has been detected at the end of June 2017, calling itself aZaZeL.…


$1 Million Paid to Erebus Ransomware by South Korea Company NAYANA

While the WannaCry ransomware infection demanded $300 and gathered around $150 thousand dollars in total, the creators of Erebus ransomware have gotten away with $1 million dollars after infecting a server of the South Korea company NAYANA, which is a…

Android System Icons List

Android System Icons List (Top Screen) – What Do They Mean?

Ever had the situation in your Android device where you would get an unfamiliar icon on either the top right or top left corner of your screen which cannot be removed? This question the main reason why we decided to…


Crypt888 Ransomware – Decrypt .Lock Files for Free

This article aims to help you remove the latest Crypt888 ransomware virus and decrypt .Lock encrypted files for free. A new version of the notorious Crypt888 ransomware has appeared in the wild. The virus encrypts the files and unlike the…


The Pirate Bay Likely to be Blocked

There is a possibility that one of the biggest torrent trackers out there, The Pirate Bay could be permanently blocked as a result of a decision made by the higher ups at the European court. In the decision’s document, the…


Microsoft with New Patches for Windows XP Against WannaCry

The corporation behind Windows XP, Microsoft was forced to issue more security patches for one of it’s older versions for which the support has already expired. The primary reason for releasing the security patches is the recent WannaCry ransomware virus…


.zbt File Virus (Restore Files)

Article made to help you remove the .zbt ransomware virus and try to get back files that have been AES encrypted by this virus. A virus, that has been detected at the start of June 2017, dubbed WinUpdatesDisabler has been…

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