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Martin graduated with a degree in Publishing from Sofia University. As a cyber security enthusiast he enjoys writing about the latest threats and mechanisms of intrusion.


Windows Update Abused To Deliver The Stealth Falcon Malware

The Windows Update mechanisms through the Windows Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) has been found to deliver the dangerous Stealth Falcon malware. This is the default any of applying updates to the Microsoft Windows operating system. A complex strategy is…

GootKit Trojan image

Remove GootKit Trojan Horse

What is GootKit? How to remove GootKit Trojan from your PC or Mac? The GootKit Trojan is a dangerous malware threat which is designed mainly for Microsoft Windows computers. It can be acquired from various sources, every attack campaign can…

.Barak Virus virus remove

Barak Virus (.Barak Files) — How to Remove This Phobos Ransomware

The .Barak virus is a Phobos ransomware that is currently set against target end users on a global scale. There is no information available about the hacking group behind it. It is believed to be a new iteration of the…


Facebook Patches Critical Exploits in Its HHVM Server Software

Facebook has announced that they have updated their HHVM server software which removes the possibility of it to be exploited. The company announced that two critical bugs were fund in it. The vulnerabilities allow the hackers to obtain sensitive data…

Domen Hacking Toolkit

Domen Hacking Toolkit Used in Worldwide Malware Campaigns

The Domen Hacking Toolkit is a dangerous weapon in the hands of numerous criminal collectives which is actively being used in global attack campaigns. It is used as a framework through which malware samples can be launched through social engineering…

.biz Virus virus remove

.biz Virus (.biz Files) – Remove This Dharma Ransomware

The .biz virus is a ransomware that is currently set against target end users on a global scale. There is no information available about the hacking group behind it. It is believed to be a new iteration of the famous…

.b00m Virus virus remove

b00m Virus (.b00m File) – How to Remove It

The .b00m virus is a ransomware that is currently set against target end users on a global scale. There is no information available about the hacking group behind it. It is believed to be a new iteration of the famous…

.BANKS Virus virus remove

BANKS Virus (.BANKS Files) — How to Remove This Phobos Ransomware

The .BANKS virus is a Phobos ransomware that is currently set against target end users on a global scale. There is no information available about the hacking group behind it. It is believed to be a new iteration of the…


Revolut Phishing Scams – How to Avoid Them

Read the article to see how you can avoid Revolut Phishing Scams and remove malware which was distributed by such scams. E-mails, messages and websites are all involved in these types of spoofing. The article will also aid you to…

Message-alert.center redirect image

Remove Message-alert.center Redirect

What is Message-alert.center page? Which program causes Message-alert.center redirects? How to remove the unwanted program, causing Message-alert.center redirects from your computer? The Message-alert.center redirect is a web browser hijacker and dangerous site which are currently distributed in an active attack…

.HILDA Virus virus remove

HILDA Virus (.HILDA File) – How to Remove It

The .HILDA virus is a ransomware that is currently set against target end users on a global scale. There is no information available about the hacking group behind it. It is believed to be a new iteration of the famous…

.Apollon865 Virus virus remove

Apollon865 Virus (.Apollon865 File) – How to Remove It

The .Apollon865 virus is a ransomware that is currently set against target end users on a global scale. There is no information available about the hacking group behind it. It is believed to be a new iteration of the famous…


TrickBot Updated And Used Against Mobile Carrier Users

The well-known TrickBot malware has been updated with a new version and features so that it is used by a hacking group against mobile carrier users. The new variants are confirmed to be used against users of T-Mobile, Sprint, Verizon…


Popular WordPess Plugins Used To Hack Blogs: Update Now!

Computer researchers uncovered several popular WordPress plugins which are actively abused in order to hack sites. This is due to a weakness found in them allowing for malicious code to be injected. Since the discovery was made they have been…


Lyceum Hackers Conduct Targeted Attacks Against The Middle East

The Lyceum hackers are a criminal group that was found to be be coordinating attacks against high-profile targets in the Middle East. The activities of the group were under investigation by security experts and released to the public. From the…

Retadup worm

Retadup Worm Responsible for STOP Ransomware Infections Is Being Shut Down

The Retadup worm is being shut down by computer specialists, this is the malware which is responsible for the large part of the STOP ransomware versions. The worm is primarily spread in Latin America and it has an extensive malware…


CamScanner Android App Silently Installs Necro Trojan

It appears that one of the most popular Android apps called CamScanner is installing silently the Necro Trojan on victim devices, according to a new security report. It is very possible that the developers have not done it intentionally as…


Windows Users Be Warned, ‘Complete Hack’ Flaw Used in Attacks!

A team of security experts discovered a ‘Complete Control’ weakness in the Windows operating system which can cause a wide variety of dangerous actions. The problem lies within vulnerable that is exploited by the device drivers and operating system allowing…


Remove Final Virus (.Final File) – Ransomware Instructions

What is virus . virus is also known as . ransomware and encrypts users’ files while asking for a ransom. . virus is a new malware threat that is being sent to targets across the world. It is a complex…


Bolik Trojan Spreads To Intended Targets Via Fake VPN Sites

The Balik Trojan as a dangerous malware threat is being spread onto fake hacker-made sites, in the case of the ongoing attacks they are fake VPN sites. According to the available security reports this is done by using a sophisticated…

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