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Ventsislav is a cybersecurity expert at SensorsTechForum since 2015. He has been researching, covering, helping victims with the latest malware infections plus testing and reviewing software and the newest tech developments. Having graduated Marketing as well, Ventsislav also has passion for learning new shifts and innovations in cybersecurity that become game changers. After studying Value Chain Management, Network Administration and Computer Administration of System Applications, he found his true calling within the cybersecrurity industry and is a strong believer in the education of every user towards online safety and security.


Pabluk L0cker Remove and Unlock Your Screen

Article created to show you how to remove Pabluk L0cker ransomware and restore access to your PC. A screenlocker type of ransomware infection, called Pabluk L0cker has been detected by malware analysts, to lock the screens on the computers it…


HERMES File Virus (Restore Files and Remove It)

Article created to help you remove Hermes ransomware and try to restore your files, in case they have been encrypted by it with an added HERMES extension to them. A ransomware infection, known as HERMES ransomware has been detected by…


Get Rid of Notice from Microsoft Corporation Tech Support Scam

This article explains how to be rid of the annoying MSSecTeam scam that aims to trick unsuspecting users into calling a fraudulent tech support center. A scan has been detected by malware researchers that has been associated with the e-mail…


CryptoKill Ransomware Remove and Restore .crypto Files

Article, created to help you remove CryptoKill ransomware and restore files encrypted with the .crypto file extension by it on your PC. The file encryption ransomware virus segment has brought to us another “child”, called CryptoKill. The virus uses .crypto…


Printer Botnet Has “Attacked” Over 100,000 Printers

A very talented individual with the nickname “Stackoverflowin” has managed to hack over 100 thousand printers that are connected to the cloud. The hacker has been reported by malware researchers who spoke with him to not do this for his…


Using Mesh Unites to Spread Wi-Fi On Large Areas

In case you have to deal with a large area, like a big apartment or a house and the signal is often not strong enough, one solution is to use Wi-Fi extenders, or repeaters. Yes, this solution works, but the…


.serpent File Virus (Restore Files)

This article is made to demonstrate how to remove Serpent 2017 Danish ransomware infection and try to restore files encrypted with AES-256 and RSA-2048 that have the .serpent file extension. A ransomware virus has been created and released out into…


Startup Company Offers New IoT Protection

A company named Zingbox has been reported by multiple sources to be in the development of a product that claims it can protect IoT devices from the storm of IoT malware that has hit the web as of late. The…


Get Rid of Ads by RunBooster from Your PC

Article created to provide assistance in removing RunBooster Adware from your computer. A program that is classified as potentially unwanted by security experts, called RunBooster has been reported to display numerous advertisements on the computers It is installed. The software…


Dextop Screenlocker Remove and Restore Files

This article aims to show you how to remove Dextop screenlocker and restore access to files encrypted with added .locked file extension. The Dextop screenlocker ransomware is a threat that not only locks the screen of the computers it infects…


Digisom Ransomware Remove and Restore Files

This article is created to help with the removal and data recovery of the Digisom ransomware virus, also known as X-Files ransomware. The Digisom ransomware is a threat of the file encryption type and It has been detected recently by…


Android Lockdroid Ransomware Uses Dropper and QR Code

An Android ransomware virus has been detected out into the open that takes advantage of multiple different old techniques that were recreated to cause a successful infection. The virus, also known as Lockdroid actually uses a very familiar, but in…


CyberDrill Ransomware Remove and Decrypt .locked Files

This article will help you remove CyberDrill ransomware and to try and restore your files encrypted with an added .locked file extension. A ransomware virus, named CyberDrill, also reported to be known as Ransomuhahawhere has been the reason for multiple…


New EREBUS Ransomware Virus (Restore Files)

This article aims to help you remove the newly released EREBUS ransomware and try to get the encrypted files with .grf, .msj and .sqj extensions back. ROT-23 or the so-called Caesar mode has been used by a newly discovered ransomware,…


.cancer File Virus (Restore Files)

Article, created to help you remove Cancer Ransomware and restore files encrypted with an added .cancer file extension to them. A ransomware virus, named Cancer ransomware has been reported to cause an immense amount of trouble to computers it infects.…


Another Zero Day Bug Found In Windows Versions

An exploit which is zero-day related has been discovered in Windows 10’s versions. The exploit is nothing crucial or serious to be worried about, but Microsoft employees have publicly revealed that this particular exploit conceals multiple risks that may endanger…


.youransom File Virus Remove It Completely

This article aims to help you remove YourRansom ransomware using the .youransom file extension to encrypt files. It may also help restoring some of the encrypted files. A virus has been spotted and reported to encrypt files of systems that…


b0c.x File Virus (X-Files) Remove and Restore Data

Article, designed to assist with the removal and file recovery of .b0c.x ransomware also known as X-Files ransomware. A virus from the file encryption kind has been detected by malware researchers. The ransomware is called X-Files and it’s goal is…


CryptoShield 1.1 Ransomware Virus (Restore Files)

This article will help you fully remove CryptoShield 1.1 crypto virus, using the .cryptoshield file extension from your computer and restore the encrypted files. The notorious CryptoShield ransomware virus has been spotted out in the wild in a new version.…


Information To Crack iPhone and iOS Devices Stolen by Hackers and Posted Online

Remember the San Bernadino shooter? Who doesn’t. A while back, his iPhone was cracked by a private company, named Cellebrite who managed to help FBI for the case. Despite the efforts of apple to preserve privacy, Cellebrite has developed tools…

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