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Cyber News about data breaches, online privacy and security, computer security threats, cybersecurity reports, vulnerability reports. News about the latest malware attacks.
Hot news about the security of Microsoft (Patch Tuesdays), Google, Android, Apple, Linux, and other big companies and software vendors.

CoinVault Offers Free File Recovery

CoinVault Ransomware Offers Free File Recovery

The new CoinVault ransomware has the same behavior as other file-encrypting malware, like CryptoWall, CryptoLocker and Crowti. CoinVault would encrypt the files on the affected machine and demand a ransom for their recovery. CoinVault has an interface similar to other…

Backoff Point-of-Sale Malware with a New Version

Backoff Point-of-Sale Malware with a New Version

A new and upgraded variant of the Backoff malware, also known as ROM, has been detected by security experts recently. Researchers with Fortinet reported that the new version of the point of sale malware is almost the same as the…


Windows 10 with Start Menu and Other Features Promised by Microsoft

In September this year Microsoft announced that the upcoming release of Windows 10 is to be expected around mid-2015. A preview in its Insider Program shows that one of the changes will be in the start menu itself – the…

OnionDuke Malware Used in APT Attacks Through the Tor Network

OnionDuke Malware Used in APT Attacks Through the Tor Network

After a research about a Tor exit node, modifying uncompressed Windows executable files downloaded through it was recently published, experts have discovered that the issue leads back to the Russian APT family MiniDuke, which is famous for being used in…

Microsoft Patch Release for November, 2014 – Is Schannel Fixed

Microsoft Patch Release for November, 2014 – Is Schannel Fixed?

Microsoft released their regular Tuesday patch for this month two days ago, on 11th November. They are fixing many issues with the patch, including the 0-day Sandworm one, but a flaw in their security remains still. We’re talking about the…

Snapchat's Precaution Measurements after the Data Leak Incident from October

Snapchat’s Precaution Measurements after the Data Leak Incident from October

After last month’s Snapchat third-application security breach happened, the service provider decided to start informing their customers whenever a third-party application is trying to enter their accounts. The measurement aims to prevent disclosing personal information and pictures of customers that…

More Details on Linux Malware by Google's VirusTotal

More Details on Linux Malware by Google’s VirusTotal

The surge of Linux infecting malware has caught the eye of VirusTotal – a tool designed for malware hunters owned by Google. The VirusTotal database is a Must-Have for any security researcher who wants to be aware of the top…

shellshock-630 000-attacks-in-a-week

Shellshock Vulnerable Devices Still Targeted. 630 000 Attacks in Only Two Weeks

Nearly two months after its announcement, the Shellshock flaw in Bash has become immensely popular. Over 630 000 incidents have been detected from more than 15 000 IP addresses worldwide in only a two-week-period. This marks a distinct increase in…


Browser Stack Cross-Boarding Tool Hacked

It seems that Browser Stack, a famous cross-border testing tool, who has more than 25,000 customers all over the world, including eBay, Microsoft, Adobe, etc. has been hacked two days ago.They continue offering their services though. One of the signs…

New Phishing Campaign for Facebook Users in the Wild

New Phishing Campaign for Facebook Users in the Wild

A new mighty hack campaign has been spotted recently in the wild. It’s targeted against Facebook certificates and credential log-ins and consists of crooks sending e-mails to Facebook users stating that there was a fraud attempt for accessing their accounts.…

Flaw in iPads and iPhones Fake App Attack

Flaw in iPads and iPhones Makes Fake App Attack Possible

Vulnerability in iPhones and iPads allows hackers to switch legitimate applications with malicious ones that could grant access to personal information. Security experts with FireEye report that the flaw, which they have dubbed Masque Attack, makes large amounts of personal…


Manual Phishing Attacks Analyzed by Google Study

As we all know and are aware, most phishing hacker attacks are being performed by automated bot machines instead of living humans. A statistics in a recent study on the subject Google released shows that the so-called ‘manual hijacking‘ might…

Malicious Email Campaign Hits Amazon Customers in the UK

Malicious Email Campaign Hits Amazon Customers in the UK

Customers of are being targeted by scam emails with attached malicious Microsoft Word documents. The messages claim to contain details on the transportation of an order, having the package number in the subject field. Over 600 000 Malicious Emails…

WireLurker Malware

New WireLurker Malware Threatens Chinese iOS User Applications

Two days ago, on 5th November this year, Palo Alto Network researchers published an announcement that they have come across a new malware infecting iOS and Mac OS X software applications. The malware seems to be spreading out of a…

Dridex – New Form of Cridex Trojan – Rises Again

Dridex – New Form of Cridex Trojan – Rises Again

As we wrote last month, a recent discovery of the Palo Alto Networks security researchers detected that a malware, aiming to steal bank credentials, information and certificates, used a long time ago, has been activated again. It is a modification…

WireLurker Compromises Apple OS X and iOS devices

WireLurker Malware Compromises Apple OS X and iOS devices

Researchers with Palo Alto Networks have discovered a new malware family affecting Apple OS X and iOS. Dubbed WireLurker, the malware compromises even non-jailbroken iOS devices. This is the first malware type that infects iOS apps in a manner a…

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