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WordPress Bug Bounty Program Interested in XSS, RCE, SQL Flaws

WordPress is one of the platforms that often fall victims to malicious attacks. Fortunately, the company has decided to join the bug bounty initiative, now embraced by multiple organizations in their attempt to confront cybercrime. Security researchers who come across…


Decrypt Files Encrypted by BTCWare Ransomware

This article aims to provide you with decryption instructions for all the BTCWare variants (.btcware .cryptobyte .cryptowin .onyon, .theva) for free. A ransomware infection known by researchers as BTCware ransomware was detected at the beginning of 2017 in multiple variants.…


Remove UIWIX Ransomware – Restore .UIWIX Files (Update May 2017)

This article has a goal to show you how to remove the new UIWIX ransomware outbreak and restore your files in the event that they have been encrypted with .UIWIX extension. The initially spotted in the beginning of May 2017…


Irfan Shakeel: Unnecessary Network Connectivity Makes Critical Data Vulnerable

Irfan Shakeel is an engineer, penetration tester, a security researcher who has dedicated his career to securing information through quality education. Irfan is the founder of and the EH Academy where people interested in programming, penetration testing, wireless and…


What Is “Ooops, Your important files are encrypted”

This article aims to explain what is “Ooops, Your important files are encrypted” ransomware and how to remove WannaCry and attempt to restore .WNCRY .WCRY or .WNCRYT files encrypted by this infection. Update July 2017! New ransomware outbreak inspired by…


.Onyon Virus – Remove and Restore Your Files

This article will help you to remove .Onyon Virus effectively. Follow the ransomware removal instructions at the end. .Onyon is the extension that gets appended to your files after they are encrypted by the OnyonLock ransomware. Malware researchers state that…


Zelta Ransomware – Remove and Restore .locked Files

This article will help you remove Zelta ransomware effectively. Follow the ransomware removal instructions at the end of the article. Zelta is a ransomware crypting virus that displays a window with a ransom message. The message is written in English…


WannaCry Impostors On the Rise

WannaCry – a ransomware cryptovirus, that has infected computers over the globe across 150 countries, is already being looked up to by criminals. Successfully delivering the biggest ransomware attack in history, there is no wonder cybercriminals have started developing imitations…


.WNCRYT (Wana Decrypt0r 2.0) File Virus (Restore Files)

NEW UPDATE MAY 2017 This article is created to help you cope with the latest Wana Decrypt0r update. It will show how to remove the .WNCRYT file virus and restore files encrypted by this threat. The greatest ransomware threat seen…


Top 5 WannaCry Ransomware Mitigations to Adopt Now

The WannaCry (.WNCRY, Wana Decrypt0r 2.0) ransomware outbreak is definitely the scariest cybersecurity event of 2017. So far. The ransomware has compromised the systems of Telefonica in Spain, as well as multiple hospitals in the UK. It has also been…


.slvpawned SecretSystem Malware (Decrypt Files)

This article should be able to help you remove the SecretSystem ransomware infection from your computer and aims to show you how to restore .slvpawned encrypted files. A ransomware virus detected in the middle of May 2017 has been reported…


.WNCRY .WCRY Virus – Try to Decrypt Files

This article aims to provide instructions on different methods on how to try and restore .WNCRY files encrypted by the second version of the WannaCry ransomware also known as Wana Decrypt0r 2.0, WanaCrypt0r 2.0 and WCry. “EternalBlue” and “DoublePulsare” are…


.Viki File Virus – Remove It and Restore Your Files

This article will aid you in removing the Viki ransomware absolutely. Follow the ransomware removal instructions given at the bottom of the article. The Viki ransomware has been discovered by the malware researcher Marcelo Rivero. It will encrypt your files,…


Wana Decrypt0r 2.0 Ransomware In a Massive Outbreak (May 2017)

A new variant of the Wanna Decryptor (Wana Decrypt0r 2.0 ) ransomware infection, also reffered to as WCry ransomware has been discovered and reported to cause massive outbreak and infect personal computers as well as bring enterprises down to their…


Wana Decrypt0r 2.0 .WNCRY File Virus (Restore Files)

This article is created to help you remove the .WNCRY Wana Decrypt0r 2.0 ransomware infection (new WannaCry variant) and restore files encrypted with the .WNCRY file extension. A new ransomware, called Wana Decrypt0r 2.0 by malware hunters has been reported…


Researchers Find Built-In Keylogger in HP Audio Driver

Are you the owner of an HP laptop? Then read carefully. Security researchers from security firm Modzero came across a built-in keylogger in an HP audio driver while examining Windows Active Domain infrastructure. “Security reviews of modern Windows Active Domain…


Jaff Ransomware – Remove It and Restore .Jaff Files

The article will help you remove Jaff ransomware completely. Follow the Jaff ransomware removal instructions at the end of the article. Jaff is the name of a ransomware cryptovirus. The extension .Jaff will get appended to every encrypted file. The…


CVE-2017-5891, CVE-2017-5892 Found in Asus RT Wireless Routers

ASUS RT wireless router owners, beware! If you haven’t updated your router’s firmware, you should do it immediately. Nightwatch Cybersecurity researchers have found vulnerabilities, CVE-2017-5891 and CVE-2017-5892, in these routers. The team has revealed the POC exploit code for the…


.Loptr File Virus Removal – Restore Files

This article will help you remove the .Loptr File Virus effectively. Follow the ransomware removal instructions provided at the end. .Loptr File Virus is actually a new Locky ransomware variant that puts that extension to locked files. The new variant…


CryptoBoss Ransomware – Remove and Restore .CRYPTOBOSS Files

This article will aid you in removing the CryptoBoss ransomware efficiently. Follow the ransomware removal instructions provided at the end. CryptoBoss ransomware is the name of a cryptovirus, which is believed to be a variant of the Amnesia virus. The…

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